
What is Ayahuasca?
Ayahuasca FAQ
Ayahuasca is a plant mixture native to the Amazon that is capable of inducing altered {higher} states of consciousness, lasting between 4 to 8 hours after ingestion. It is an entheogenic sacrament and powerful agent for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and the awakening of consciousness. For thousands of years it has been a tool for guidance, connection and spiritual renewal for many indigenous peoples of South America. In the territories of the Amazon rainforest, throughout Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, Ayahuasca has been used for expanding the boundaries of consciousness and healing both the individual members and the tribe as collective.
Ayahuasca is a blend of two plants, made into a "brew." The main ingredient of this jungle tea is a vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, like the tea itself is also called Ayahuasca (which means ‘vine of the soul’ or ‘vine with a soul’). The secondary ingredient is either chacruna (Psychotria viridis) or chagropanga (Diplopterys cabrerana), plants that contain a relatively high amount of the psychedelic substance DMT.*
Boiled and brewed together these two ingredients create one of the most powerfully imbibed concoctions on the planet today. Taken with respect, ceremoniously, and with a shaman or deeply experienced facilitator it has the potential to offer deep healing, profound insights, guidance and life-changing transformation.
* DMT: Dimethyltryptamine, a hallucinogenic tryptamine drug that occurs naturally in many plants. DMT is a powerful hallucinogenic chemical. However, it has low bioavailability, as it gets rapidly broken down by enzymes called monoamine oxidases (MAOs) in your liver and gastrointestinal tract.
For this reason, DMT must be combined with something containing MAO inhibitors (MAOIs), which allow DMT to take effect. Banisteriopsis caapi contains potent MAOIs called β-carbolines, which also have psychoactive effects of their own.
Drinking Ayahuasca can induce a range of effects, physically, visually, mentally, spiritually and emotionally.
It is not uncommon to vomit, have diarrhea, cry, yawn, laugh, shake or feel temperature differences. All of these actions are potential manifestations of our physical and energetic bodies cleansing, detoxifying, removing blockages, and allowing for release. Vomiting and diarrhea are referred to in medicine work as "purging," as the body is getting rid of aspects of self which no longer serve the highest good or are preventing/blocking higher evolution of the drinker. Physical effects may go far beyond this, and the medicine may put the drinker in a variety of situations or circumstances where there are intense somatic experiences.
Hallucinations and internal visions are common after the ingestion of Ayahuasca and can play a role in the drinker's journey, however, they do not occur for everyone. These visions can offer profound wisdom and insight into the source of resistance, patterns, habits, ways of being and blockages of the drinker’s life. The visions may reveal absolutely anything. Often it can be animal spirits, guardians, spirit guides, past lives, childhood or adult trauma, psychic surgery, angels, passed loved ones - the possibilities are endless and unlimited in the images, situations, circumstances, people, places that may arise.
The process of preparing for a ceremony, sitting in ceremony, and processing the teachings after the ceremony can be mentally demanding. There can be many shifts of perception and perspective throughout the entire process. Within the ceremony, our perceptions of “reality” may become distorted, as our mind bends to stretch its limits of belief and experience.
It’s highly beneficial to cultivate and strengthen practices of self-resourcing prior to the retreat. Knowing yourself and how you remain calm in challenging circumstances, knowing how to regulate your breath, and know how you move energy best will strengthen your ability to rise up and face anything that may become uncomfortable.
We will have ample time to rest and recuperate during the retreat, and integration assistance is offered during and after the retreat.
Ayahuasca provides the opportunity for us to "do the work," going deeper within to the source of our light and our shadow with the intention of opening to greater wisdom of ourselves and our world.
It is a gateway to healing, facing traumas, releasing suppressed emotions, feelings, and anything we store inside that is preventing us from further evolving into highest and most luminous self. This medicine can offer powerful guidance for your personal and spiritual journey and will work within the body where she feels needs to be opened, addressed or healed.
To receive the most benefits of the medicine, the real “work” comes after the ceremonies/retreat is over and we are placed back into our regular worlds. This is where the change we are seeking is able to come to life. It takes discipline and dedication.
A range of emotions are common before, during and after taking the medicine. It's normal to feel apprehensive, nervous, excited, sad, calm or confused, among many others. We will be partaking in integration circles the day after ceremony to talk through our experiences, support, encourage and help each other.
All of this will be discussed appropriately before and after ceremony.
Traditionally, ceremonies are led by shamans or highly respected medicine workers who have deep understanding, experience, and sophistication with plant medicine.
We will be sitting together in a sacred space at the retreat site, as the curandera (medicine woman) explains the logistics of the ceremony. The brew will be taken respectfully, one by one, as we keep in mind our intentions for opening and learning. After we have all taken the medicine, the candles will be blown out and and we will sit in darkness and silence until Mother makes her presence known. The curandera will begin to sing "icaros," traditional songs passed from the plants to the person Facilitating. They’re prayers of the jungle, plants, animals, ancestors, and elements. Additional songs in Quechuan, Spanish, English, Portuguese or spirit language that evoke and entice the powers of the plants may also be sung. After an amount of time where the curandera recognizes the presence of Mother Ayahuasca, she will open up the circle for second servings of the medicine. The curandera and her assistants keep a close eye on all participants to make sure everyone remains safe. They will often come around to each participant in the temple and offer individual healings with singing, sound and energy work.
If you need fresh air, want to walk or be in nature, it is completely acceptable to leave the temple but it is required that you return before the end of ceremony.
Ceremonies can last from four to eight hours, usually beginning around 7 or 8pm. We sit comfortably through our own individual journeys as the plant medicine guides us through the work we must do. We are supported by the curandera, her music, her energetic offerings and guidance throughout the ceremony. You will feel safe and held throughout the experience.
In closing, the candles will be lit once again as we are slowly invited back into the space. Fresh fruit will be brought out as we readjust to the light and waking consciousness.
Often referred to as “Madre” (mother) or “Abuela” (grandmother), Ayahuasca has the potential to offer us a direct experience of the deeper truth of our individual and Infinite Being. Most mystical traditions teach the same thing: “God” (or Allah, Buddha, Great Spirit, Love, Eternity, Brahman, Life, Infinity—whatever you choose to call it) is not a separate, external entity. It is in every molecule of existence, including us. Our very Essence is that Eternal Presence. We cover it up with individual identifications, concepts of personality and memories of experience, but the saints and sages of the past teach us that we are not these transitory things. Madre Ayahuasca can help us to see through and move beyond these false identifications.
However, this process of awakening is not always one of acquisition and construction, but often one of loving, sometimes painful deconstruction and honest revelation. In addition to helping us to connect with the blissful, Infinite, Divine spaciousness beyond the individual form, Ayahuasca can also help us to face and untangle the shadows of our Being. Carl Jung once said, “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” This process of shadow integration is ultimately a work of learning unconditional self-love, and is one of the most liberating tools we can work with.
In addition, because we exist in this physical realm, we experience life through a complex interweaving of physical and energetic bodies which, by way of time and life experience, can become mangled webs. Every experience we have (and the corresponding emotional and neuro-chemical response) creates an energetic result in our Being. For most of us, especially when we were children, we lacked the tools necessary to fully process and release emotions, experiences or traumas as they arise, and so the energetic residue remains stuck in our body, creating a blockage.
Ayahuasca has the almost-magical capacity to turn these stuck energies into physical matter and remove them from the body through a purgative process, while at the same time offering us clarity and insight into how we can navigate our lives in a more clear, joyful and loving way.
What you get out of your Ayahuasca experience will be equal to what you put into it. There are many recommendations for the amount of energy, effort and intention to put in prior to sitting with plant medicine.
If you are feeling the call to work with plant medicine, then you are taking a bold and courageous step to "do the work" and go deeper within. There are many efforts that we can make to prepare ourselves for the journey, which encourage our chatterbox brains to slow down and our hearts to speak louder. A few of these are:
Creating or continuing a daily meditation practice to sit and connect with yourself in stillness
Journaling or writing - often stream of consciousness or perhaps logging ideas, blockages, or certain thoughts/memories that come up and may need to be addressed
Coloring, chanting, breath work are also suggestions of activities that can still the mind and allow us to experience intuitive feelings.
In addition to our commitment to the medicine, we are also committing to our own personal and spiritual growth. For this reason, it is also recommended to abstain from sexual relations for the few days prior to ceremony and during the week of ceremonies, in an effort to cultivate a strong personal energetic field and flow and remaining individually present within ourselves.
Ayahuasca is a gift from our Great Mother Earth to help us to heal, to grow, to learn. Ayahuasca has a great potential to bring us back to a remembrance and a way of living and being in a much more connected and harmonious way with our earth. Stepping outside of a concrete city and having space to feel the heartbeat of the earth can bring us into this deep connection. Taking time to be in nature nourishes our souls and helps us to find simplicity in the stillness. Some suggestions are:
Outside {slow} yoga
Walking or hiking outside
Sitting in a park or green space
It is important to be gentle with ourselves and our bodies during this process, as we are going through intense physical and mental cleanses, purges and transformations.
Since childhood and sometimes before we can even remember, there are experiences, traumas, memories, feelings and emotions that have created the patterns through which we operate every day. Often we may not even be aware of what created this story for us. Setting intentions before a ceremony can be useful and powerful in healing. Ceremonies are not necessarily easy or always blissful - she will often challenge us, making us fully commit to doing this work, and it is important to trust the wisdom of the medicine. Madre will work where she feels needs to be addressed and the teachings that come from Ayahuasca are a reminder of why we have chosen to heal through plant medicine. Sometimes things will arise in ceremony that you don't feel have anything to do with your intention or why you came, but we must trust. Sometimes the best intention can simply be “help me to heal, “help me to open my heart”, “teach me”.
Our bodies are the physical vessels that carry our spirits. Part of loving ourselves is giving these shells healthy fuel and nutrients. If you don't already have a healthy diet, this can be a beautiful catalyst to make big changes that will hopefully carry on after the retreat. What we feed our bodies greatly impacts the way our energy feels and flows. Eating a simple and clean diet without processed sugar or heavily fried food, prepares your body to be in a vibration that helps you to connect more easily with the energy of plant spirits.
Because this sacred plant works to deeply cleanse the energetic body, it is important that we do preliminary preparation before going into this experience. Cleansing our physical bodies allows the plant to do deeper work with greater ease (which allows for both more profound results and a much gentler experience). Below are some dietary guidelines, which are recommended to be followed for at least one week prior to ceremony, preferably up to one month before we journey. The cleaner you are the deeper the medicine can work. It is also recommended to stick with these guidelines for the days following ceremony as well, while the teachings are being integrated.
Preparing for ceremony is a detoxing process on many levels so it is best to help the plant by cleaning up your diet and eating only pure, natural, clean food, allowing for a cleaner vessel and clearer mind - the cleaner you are, the more profound your experience is likely to be.
It’s easy to remember the “S’s - no salt, sex, spice, spirits, or sugar"
If you are planning to join our ayahuasca retreat, it’s imperative to mindful of your diet weeks before and after your trip. The South American hallucinogenic plants contain DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine)and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs). DMT is responsible for the hallucinogenic effects of ayahuasca brew similar to what one experiences when taking psychoactive drugs.
However, it is not safe to combine with other foods and medications.
Basically, foods that are aged, preserved, dried, fermented, pickled, cured (meats), rancid, old, outdated, overripe, or even slightly spoiled. You also need to stay away from most oils and fermented foods, including caffeine, alcohol, sugar and more.
Continue reading to learn more about the foods that you should avoid when taking MAOIs:
• Alcohol
• Citrus fruits
• Onion and garlic
• Caffeine (coffee, green tea, black tea, etc)
• Cacao, cocoa, and chocolate
• Refined sugars and sweets (dried fruit also contains a lot of sugar, please avoid these in excess)
• Meat (pork, red meat)
• Smoked, fermented, pickled (herring) and otherwise aged or dried fish, lox; any fish that is not fresh
• Fermented foods (kimchi, tofu, tempeh, sauerkraut, soybean paste, soy sauce etc)
• Sausage, bologna, pepperoni, salami, corned beef
• Protein extracts
• Liquid and powdered protein dietary supplements
• Brewer’s yeast, yeast vitamin supplements, or yeast extracts (simple unleavened, unsalted bread are okay)
• Canned soups, or soups made with protein extracts or bouillon
• Miso soup (contains fermented bean curd)
• Shrimp paste
• Hot spices and chilies
• Salt and pepper
• Alcohol
• Aged cheeses and dairy products that are close to the expiration date or that have been unrefrigerated (milk, cheese, yogurt)
• Aspartame (Nutrasweet, Soda, etc)
• Fava beans, especially if overripe
• Peanuts – in large quantities
• Raspberries – in large quantities
• Spinach – in large quantities
• Chocolate – in large quantities
• Caffeine
• Oils and fats (except coconut/olive oil very sparingly for cooking)
• Soft drinks, energy drinks, non-alcoholic beer
Three days before the ceremony, it is recommended that you avoid:
• All medications and supplements
• Fluoride toothpaste
• Synthetic soaps, Perfumes, + Toiletries
The medicine Ayahuasca is biochemically and energetically very powerful, and it does not mix well with all other substances.
Many Pharmaceutical drugs, natural supplements and herbs are not compatible with Ayahuasca and some medical or psychological conditions are also not appropriate for treatment with this medicine.
It is the responsibility of all guests to consult with their doctors about the safety of ceasing medication during the week of ceremonies.
If you need to stop taking any medication prior to your Ayahuasca experience, please consult with your doctor about stopping such medications, as well as informing us of your process. If your doctor is unwilling to assist you due to his or her own bias, you have the right to seek a second opinion from another physician.
Below is a list of some medical conditions, pharmaceuticals and supplements that are not compatible with drinking Ayahuasca.
Please disclose whether or not you have a history with any of these conditions, past or present.
Medical Conditions:
Psychological conditions such as Schizophrenia, bipolar or psychosis
Heart conditions/apparatus
Liver or Kidney conditions
Pharmaceuticals and Supplements
Different substances require more or less time to leave the body, so please consult your doctor to establish how long your particular medications will take to clear from your system. It is vitally important that you are honest with us and with yourself about your medical history. There can be serious consequence of mixing Ayahuasca with pharmaceutical medications, and it is imperative that you take caution and undertake this healing journey with a full respect for this fact.
Below is a partial list of medications which are NOT to be present in your body during and before your encounter with Ayahuasca:
SSRIs/antidepressants (any selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor)
amphetamines (meth-, dex-, amphetamine)
antihypertensives (high blood pressure medicine)
appetite suppressants (diet pills)
medicine for asthma, bronchitis, or other breathing problems
antihistamines, medicines for colds, sinus problems, hay fever, or allergies (Actifed DM, Benadryl, Benylin, Chlor-Trimeton, Compoz, etc.)
CNS (central nervous system) depressants
any opium derived pain reliever
Specific Drugs
Amantadine hydrochloride (Symmetrel)
Amoxapine (Asendin)
Bupropion (Wellbutrin)
Buspirone (BuSpar)
Carbamazepine (Tegretol, Epitol)
Clomipramine (Anafranil)
Cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril)
Cyclizine (Marezine)
Desipramine (Pertofrane)
Dextromethorphan (DXM)
Disopyramide (Norpace)
Doxepin (Sinequan)
Flavoxate Hydrochloride (Urispas)
Fluoxetine (Prozac)
Imipramine (Tofranil)
Isocarboxazid (Marplan)
Levodopa (Dopar, Larodopa)
Loratadine (Claritin)
Maprotiline (Ludiomil)
Meperidine (Demerol)
Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
Nortriptyline (Aventyl)
Oxybutynin chloride (Ditropan)
Orphenadrine (Norflex)
Paroxetine (Paxil)
Phenelzine (Nardil)
Procainamide (Pronestyl)
Protriptyline (Vivactil)
Quinidine (Quinidex)
Selegiline (Eldepryl)
Sertraline (Zoloft)
Tranylcypromine (Parnate)
Tricyclic antidepressants (Amitriptyline, Elavil)
Trimipramine (Surmontil)
Herbs and supplements
St. Johns Wort
Considerations and potential side effects:
While taking part in an Ayahuasca ceremony may seem alluring, consuming this psychedelic brew can lead to some side effects.
First, even though many of the unpleasant side effects that are usually experienced during an Ayahuasca trip, such as vomiting, diarrhea, paranoia, and panic, are considered normal and only temporary, they may be distressing.
What’s more, ayahuasca can interact dangerously with many medications, including antidepressants, psychiatric medications, etc.
Those with a history of psychiatric disorders, such as schizophrenia, should avoid Ayahuasca, as taking it could worsen their psychiatric symptoms.
The potent experience of ayahuasca is due to the combination of DMT and MAO inhibitors. The bodies contain MAO, an enzyme that quickly responds to DMT and breaks it down when taken orally reducing its lifespan. MAOIs prolong the duration and increase the intensity of DMT pharmacological effects. They also interact with a host of other drugs and should be used with caution.
Ayahuasca MAO inhibitors allow the body to absorb DMT. The DMT provided by the Psychotria Viridis leaves is not orally active due to the MAO enzymes, which is located in the guts. The enzymes break down the DMT before it enters the bloodstream.
In the ayahuasca brew, the B. caapi vine provides monoamine oxidase inhibitors, which temporarily and selectively suspend the barrier provided by these enzymes allowing the DMT to be absorbed. There are two enzymes MAO-A and MAO-B and they are naturally found within the human gastrointestinal tract.
Ayahuasca is considered MAO-inhibitor, but it is actually a RIMA. However, there are significant differences between MAOI and RIMA. First, MAOIs last much longer and may take a few days to a few weeks while RIMAs could only last a few hours after ingestion. Also, RIMA shows a more selective inhibition process than its synthetic counterparts. The differences explain why there are no known fatalities caused by ayahuasca as opposed to deaths associated with synthetic MAOI drugs.
However, due to the properties of monoamine oxidase inhibitors, there can be serious drug interactions that may be of concern among patients who participate in ayahuasca ceremonies.
The chacruna/chagropanga contains the entheogenic DMT molecule (N, N-Dimethyltryptamine), and the Aya vine inhibits the body from instantly metabolizing it and stopping its visionary quality of this medicine. But the presence of MAOI (monoamine oxidase inhibitor) makes it works temporarily.
MAOIs can inhibit metabolizing substances like tyramine and tyrosine which can build up in the body for up to three days and has the potential to create a toxic reaction like heart palpitations, headaches, and changes in blood pressure. That’s why foods with a significant amount of L-Tyrosine and Tyramine should be avoided days before the ceremony.
There are side effects that one has to consider when taking ayahuasca.
For instance, it is risky for one to take ayahuasca especially if they are taking antidepressants due to its DMT content which may lead to serotonin syndrome.
DMT is orally inactive and only activated by the presence of MAOIs extracted from the Banisteriopsis vine in ayahuasca. The prescription of MAOI antidepressants in the medical profession has led to a detailed review of common medications, drugs of abuse and foods to avoid.
Many drugs do not mix well with ayahuasca, so you have to take extra care especially if you are taking certain pharmaceutical drugs as the contraindications can be very serious. In general, antidepressants, marijuana and all recreational drugs are not safe to take with ayahuasca.
The contraindications could be as serious as follows:
• Severe liver and kidney impairment
• Severe or frequent headache
• Uncontrolled hypertension
• Cardiovascular diseases
• Cerebrovascular diseases
If you are taking antidepressants and other medications, here’s a list of possible drug interactions that you should look out for.
• Using Tricyclic antidepressants within two weeks of taking MAOIs may cause serious side effects including sudden fever, extremely high blood pressure, convulsions, and death.
• Using Fluoxetine (Prozac) within five weeks of taking MAOIs may cause high fever, rigidity, high blood pressure, mental changes, confusion and hypomania.
• Using Meperidine (Demerol) with pharmaceutical MAOIs has resulted in deaths from a single dose.
• Using cocaine with MAOIs may cause a severe increase in blood pressure, increasing the chances for stroke and cerebral hemorrhage and making it possible to overdose on a relatively small amount of cocaine. (A fatality has been recorded involving combining Peganum harmala and cocaine.)
• Using Bupropion (Wellbutrin) within two weeks of taking MAOIs may cause serious side effects such as seizures.
• Using Buspirone (Buspar) with MAOIs may cause high blood pressure.
• Using Carbamazepine (Tegretol) with MAOIs may increase seizures.
• Using CNS depressants with MAOIs may increase the depressant effects.
• Using Dextromethorphan with MAOIs may cause excitement, high blood pressure, and fever, or brief episodes of psychosis.
• Using Tryptophan with MAOIs may cause disorientation, confusion, amnesia, delirium agitation, hypomanic signs, shivering.
• Using alcohol with MAOIs may cause side effects like angina (chest pain) or headaches. The headache may mask or be mistaken for a hypertensive crisis caused by MAOI interaction.
• Using Kava with MAOIs may result in a hypotensive crisis (severe blood pressure drop).
• Using Temaril with MAOIs may increase the chance of side effects.
Special note to diabetics: MAOIs may change the amount of insulin or oral anti-diabetic medication that you need.
Many people who have taken Ayahuasca claim that the experience led to positive, long-term, life-altering changes. This may be due to the effects of Ayahuasca on the neurological system.
Recent research has shown that Ayahuasca may benefit health — particularly brain health — in a number of ways.
Brain health:
The main active ingredients in Ayahuasca — DMT and β-carbolines — have been shown to exhibit neuroprotective and neurorestorative qualities in some studies.
DMT activates the sigma-1 receptor (Sig-1R), a protein that blocks neurodegeneration and regulates the production of antioxidant compounds that help protect your brain cells.
A test-tube study indicated that DMT protected human brain cells from damage caused by lack of oxygen and increased cell survival.
Harimine, the main β-carboline in Ayahuasca, has been found to have anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, and memory-boosting effects in test-tube and animal studies.
It has also been observed to increase levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that plays an important role in nerve cell growth and promotes nerve cell survival .
Additionally, a test-tube study demonstrated that exposure to harmine increased the growth of human neural progenitor cells by over 70% in 4 days. These cells generate the growth of new neural cells in your brain.
May improve psychological well-being
Research has shown that taking Ayahuasca may increase the mindfulness capacity of your brain and improve your overall psychological well-being.
A study in 20 people indicated that consuming Ayahuasca once weekly for 4 weeks was as effective as an 8-week mindfulness program at increasing acceptance — a component of mindfulness that plays a fundamental role in psychological health.
Other studies have found similar results, noting that Ayahuasca may improve mindfulness, mood, and emotional regulation.
A study in 57 people demonstrated that ratings of depression and stress were significantly decreased immediately after the participants consumed Ayahuasca. These effects were still significant 4 weeks following the Ayahuasca consumption.
They’re mostly attributed to the DMT and β-carbolines in Ayahuasca.
May help treat addiction, anxiety, treatment-resistant depression, and PTSD
Some research suggests that Ayahuasca may benefit those with depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and addiction disorders.
A study in 29 people with treatment-resistant depression showed that a single dose of Ayahuasca led to significant improvements in depression severity compared with a placebo. Other studies report rapid antidepressant effects of Ayahuasca as well.
Additionally, a review of six studies concluded that Ayahuasca showed beneficial effects in treating depression, anxiety, mood disorders, and drug dependence.
Several studies have focused on the effects of Ayahuasca on addiction disorders, including addictions to crack cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine — with promising results.
In one study, 12 people with severe psychological and behavioral issues related to substance abuse participated in a 4-day treatment program that included 2 Ayahuasca ceremonies.
At a 6-month follow up, they demonstrated significant improvements in mindfulness, hopefulness, empowerment, and overall quality of life. Plus, self-reported use of tobacco, cocaine, and alcohol significantly declined.
Researchers hypothesize that Ayahuasca may help those with PTSD as well, though more research in this area is needed.
Additional possibilities:
Ayahuasca has its roots in the spiritual realm. It is not just a brew of a mixture of plants, it is said to have its own individual spirit, the spirit of the mother. The feminine and nurturing spirit of ayahuasca works in unique ways, but a message that is frequently taught is that she is not the exception. Meaning, it is not only ayahuasca that has this palpable spirit, but all things in this world and this universe have spirits, and those spirits are all interconnected and effected by each other. She teaches us that we, as humans, are spiritual beings and that we are so much more that we appear in our physical 3-dimensional world.
Some users have reported communicating with her directly and being passed information through the spiritual realm, or communicating with ancestors. Ayahuasca is a tool that allows us access and reconnect to ourselves in spiritual form, as well as to respect and appreciate the spiritual connection of all life.
Ayahuasca teaches us many things, and probably one of the most profound of her lessons is self-acceptance. The ego can be a powerful thing, and in the world today we are consistently taught through news and media that we need certain things or to look a certain way to find happiness. Ayahuasca shatters that illusion. She shows us that it only ever was an illusion, an idea that could never be attained because the key to true happiness lies within all of us, we just have to be open to let it in. She teaches us to accept and understand that we, as humans, are both perfect and flawed at the same time and the importance of accepting ourselves for all we have been and all we will be. Recognizing and truly embracing what makes us unique and beautiful is part of the journey to self-love. Studies support the theory that ayahuasca users have a greater interest in improving their spiritual health. Once we see the truth through ayahuasca, so much stress, guilt, shame and depression easily slip away and we are left with a clean slate to build whatever life we wish to live.
Through the spiritual realm of ayahuasca, we recognize that we are spiritual beings but that our physical bodies act as a host for our spirit the entirety of our physical lives in this 3-dimensional world. Through this realization, it makes it easy for most to recognize the importance of keeping our bodies healthy and cared for. For some, in this world of GMO and fast food consumerism, it may mean making drastic changes to current habits to strive for improved physical health. For others, it may mean recognizing the connection of body and spirit and making slight changes in routine to honor and respect both. There have been reports of ayahuasca being effective in treating cancer and new research has also shown ayahuasca could be a valuable treatment for diabetics by promoting beta cell re-growth.
Ayahuasca teaches us that all time is an illusion. The only thing that actually exists is the current moment we are experiencing and what we do with that moment. Do we waste it by contemplating, even obsessing, over moments that have past? Do we squander appreciation for what we have, our current abilities, by being consumed with the past/future? Through ayahuasca, we see the truth that the past can be learned from but should not be lived in. Ayahuasca also lets us view certain events from the past either from a perspective of non-judgement, or through complete feeling, and then lets it go. She shows us that holding on to things from the past does not benefit us in the present moment and thus we must let them go. Though it may not happen immediately, we learn that if we actively pay attention and appreciate the present, our lives can be more realized.
Merriam-Webster defines the ego as ‘the opinion that you have about yourself’. Ayahuasca facilitates the death of the ego – the death of the opinion you have about yourself. The death of these opinions opens the door for an un-adulterated reflection on who you are as an individual, who we are as humans, and what we are capable of becoming. It allows you to see yourself in a way that was never before possible, a way without sentiment or judgement that allows you to see your true self. It is the seeing of your true self, without the influence of biased or preconceived ideas, that allows you to fully appreciate you for exactly you, nothing more or less. There are many personal accounts detailing this phenomena. This ego-death and the realizations that follow can dramatically reinforce self-acceptance and love.
Arguably some of the most prominent diseases (defined here as ‘a problem that a person, group, organization, or society has and cannot stop’ -Meriam-Webster) facing society today are depression, addiction and PTSD. Often, they go hand in hand, each disorder fueling the other, often making it a dangerous and difficult cycle to escape from. Many who suffer from depression or PTSD turn to substance abuse to ease the pain of their suffering, just to enter a world of a whole new kind of suffering. Many personal accounts from veterans credit ayahuasca for alleviating their PTSD. Modern medicine doesn’t always treat the actual disorders, so patients often try to alleviate some of the symptoms produced by the disorder with medications. However, this can often lead to unfortunate over-medication and a dulling of natural abilities to feel emotions, both good and bad. The way ayahuasca can excel in treating these disorders is by addressing the root causes by altering the perception of an individual's current situation. All the above mentioned benefits combine to create a method of therapy that can be effective and lasting for most in the alleviation of depression, PTSD and addiction.
Additional Info on the Ayahuasca Preparatory Dieta
The reason for going into a deep cleanse prior to ayahuasca ceremony is to clear out any toxins from your body and mind so that you can be open and receptive to the healing and wisdom that teacher plant has to share with you. If you don’t clear them out prior, you may spend your ayahuasca ceremony clearing them out, and visions and insights you could be having will most likely be obscured by many hours of mental, physical and emotional purging, nausea, and overall discomfort. By following dietary guidelines, you can optimize your ayahuasca experience and allow yourself to go deeper into the spirit world, and receive profound psychospiritual healing.
The common denominator of the traditional ayahuasca dieta is flavorless food (avoidance of salt, sugar, or spices, especially hot peppers, onions, and garlic), no sexual stimulation (even with yourself), no alcohol.
No pork or red meat.
Ayahuasca (Banisteriopsis caapi) is an MAO-inhibitor, which means it temporarily inhibits the activation of the monoamine oxidase (MAO). This enzyme is essential to process the amino acid tyramine, so it’s important to refrain from eating foods high in this amino acid, or taking SSRI’s or other medications that will interfere, otherwise your body won’t be able to process it.
This can lead to headaches, hypertension, or just hours and hours of sub-threshold nausea where you feel like vomiting, but can’t. And that feeling dominates your entire ayahuasca ritual, so that instead of having beautiful, celestial visions and divine downloads, you are crouched over a bucket trying to purge.
Foods that contain tyramine include:
Pork / Red meat
Aged cheeses
Fermented foods like soy sauce, fermented tofu, and sauerkraut
Nutritional supplements like protein powders
Sugary / Milk Chocolate
Peanuts (in large amounts)
Please read the FULL detailed list of foods on this page and watch the videos below.
From a shamanic healing perspective, intensely-flavored food creates the cutipado effect that obstructs the energy of the plant medicine. Spicy foods are less likely to offend the gods and more likely to offend your throat, sinuses and butthole as they come out. Salt and sugar tend to also come back out in a noticeably concentrated way, so that the honey sweetened tea you drank earlier, and ice cream you ate hours before that (which you are now so clear it has been pumped full of artificial flavors), appear to be regurgitating as a sickly-sweet, condensed syrupy vomit.
These days, animal products are chock full of chemicals – from antibiotics, to hormones – and are raised and slaughtered in inhumane ways. Unless you are consuming organic, free range poultry, or wild game from the jungle, it’s best to avoid any industrialized animal products. One of the things I’ve noticed time and time again during ayahuasca ceremony, is that we consume not only the substance of our food, but also the energy of it.
So if you consume an animal that was pumped full of chemicals, spent the entirety of its life miserably crammed in a pen, only to finally be slaughtered, en masse, in a mechanized way, you also ingest the energy of that animal’s experience.
Chicken and fish are acceptable on the diet if you have a way of finding them free range/organic/hormone-free or wild caught.
Sex and alcohol abstinence are the 2 most common denominators in ayahuasca dieta recommended by all traditions. Sex involves a powerful energetic exchange and if you are sexually engaged with someone in the days leading up to ceremony, there is a strong likelihood that you will feel their energy in your own energetic field very strongly during ceremony. This can be confusing. It may cause you to project or start looping in idealizing what you believe to be truth on the other person and your relationship with that person.
This includes fantasizing sexually about other people.
Sexual activity can deplete your reservoir of energy that’s available to you during the ritual, which can limit the depth at which you can psychonautically journey and inhibit the plant’s ability to give you guidance. This is why it’s also recommended to avoid masturbating.
In any case, an ayahuasca ceremony is about your spiritual work and your healing. It’s very important to keep your energy as clear, contained, and free of other people as possible.
Alcohol is a low-vibrational substance that can bring out all sorts of shadows for us, as well as being extremely detrimental to our physical and mental health. It’s extremely important not to drink alcohol for the weeks before your ceremonies and as long as possible afterwards. What I have noticed is that the sooner I have alcohol after my ayahuasca ceremony, the shorter the ayahuasca afterglow ends up being and the quicker the help I received fades away because I gave into temptation of unheathy habits.
Again, traditional dieta recommends that you clear out all other substances and medications before meeting Madre.
Even if you are using it for “medicinal purposes,” it’s an opportunity to inquire into the need for it, the habit with it, and begin to rewire the neuropathways around the consumption of it. Ayahuasca and weed often don’t get along.
As mentioned in relation to weed, there are a lot of people who will strongly suggest you avoid consuming CBD oil before an ayahuasca experience. Some of them will tell you that it’s not ok to mix the vibration of one with another. If you need to take CBD for aches and pains, try a rubbing oil version instead of ingestible.
The dieta requires you to avoid stimulation of all kinds – social, physical, dietary… so coffee can have the potential to interrupt your ayahuasca detox, and if you drink coffee before a ceremony it can make the purging particularly unpleasant.
Most shamans will recommend staying away from coffee and caffeine during the dieta, and potentially weaning yourself off coffee before you even start the dieta, if you use it heavily in your life. It’s yet another opportunity to witness and observe habits, crutches, and addictions.
Coffee is also very acidic, and we are working towards alkalizing our bodies before consuming Aya. Even if you’re drinking decaf, it’s still acidic and highly recommended to find some substitutes.
Please avoid the following:
• Recreational drugs (including cannabis)
• Alcohol
• Pork and red meat
• Sexual and sensual activity with self or others
• Processed foods
• Foods high in salt/sodium
• Foods high in sugar
• Foods high in oils and animal fat
• Spicy foods
• Blue cheese and aged cheeses
Sugary / Milk Chocolate
• Peanuts, soy and fava beans
Please avoid the following:
Refined sugars
Pickled, fermented, and smoked foods
Overly ripe foods
Ice and ice-cold drinks (cool drinks are fine)
Adrenaline-inducing activities, like bungee jumping or sky diving