Reclaim Your Power.
A personalized, guided 8-week medicine and healing program designed to help you to feel balanced, healthy and inspired to re-light that Spark within.
These times are challenging and triggering. The future is unknown, and it seems there’s so much chaos ‘out there.’
But what’s really going on inside?
Why not refill an extra glass of wine?
Or have a second (maybe third) piece of cake.
Why not get high?
Do you ever look up from scrolling and realize an hour has passed?
Sometimes, we just need to tune out and turn off from the stress of the world.
Learning to manage my indulgences was one of the best decisions I have ever made for myself.
It can be for you, too. And with a little support, it’s not as hard as you may think!
It’s time to Reclaim Your Power.
The most empowering act of all is shedding the old parts of yourself that withhold Your Potential.
And committing to it every day.
This year doesn’t have to be like the past few.
You’ll have me holding your hand along the way offering guidance and support on how to remain empowered and embodied with regular calls, deep medicine clearings, and practical tools to set yourself up for success.
I needed help to shift some heavy lingering and toxic stuck-feeling energy, and after the experience with Anura, I felt incredibly light and clear.
Anything that wasn't in full service to my highest self seems to quickly dissipate from my life.
Kambo helped me with the deep release I needed and I'm so grateful for the reprieve and reset.
-Francie, Canada
Are you ready to hold your own and stay centered when tempted or triggered by alcohol, food, or family?
I invite you to join me in an 8-week program to make mindful habit changes through weekly calls, somatic inquiry sessions, and Spirit Medicine ceremonies.
Program 1:
An individual, customized program focused on cleansing physical and mental toxins from the system, managing indulgences, and creating more mindful consumption habits in the realms of food, relationships and media.
In-Person and Virtual
In addition to your personal intentions, our goal and possibilities together can be any or all of the following:
Manage your relationship with food
Achieve more moderation and regulation
Get to the root of any present dependency or habit
Fully reset gut and digestive system
Maintain a sense of lightness and lighter energy as applicable to specific intakes
Clear Physical and Emotional blockages in relation to the internal organs
1x weekly video call (x8 weeks) :
topics vary and include an exploration of your intentions, somatic inquiry + presencing, check-ins, and somatic integration support after Spirit Medicine Ceremonies
Three Chi Nei Tsang sessions
Three Somatic Nourishment sessions
Three Kambo ceremonies (Ceremonies will be on a weekday to accommodate your schedule, and participants must be committed and eligible to partake without any of the listed contraindications to sit with this medicine. Learn more here)
Rapéh and Sananga plant medicine initiations to help move and clear stagnant energy
Suggested cleansing techniques and recommended detox schedule
Sign up with a friend (an “accountability buddy”) and receive a discount!
Investment in Your Power: $1999
with an accountability buddy: $1777 / person
Entrance to Ecstatic Dance RVA’s next substance-free embodiment Ecstatic Dance event - DJ’d by me!
Program 2:
Sobriety + Sovereignty Support
A customized program focused on managing alcohol consumption, gearing either towards sobriety or more mindful consumption.
In-Person and Virtual
This personalized program*** is for people who are committed and ready to:
Manage their relationship with alcohol
Make more mindful consumption choices
Achieve more moderation and regulation
Quit drinking altogether (short term or long term)
Discover the root of any present alcohol dependency or habit
Alcohol entity removal
Liver + Kidney cleansing
Clear Physical + Emotional blockages related to the affected organs
2 calls/week, ranging from 30 - 90 minutes;
topics vary and include an exploration of your personal alcohol story, somatic inquiry + presencing, ancient philosophy, and/or applicable practices/theories, check-ins, and somatic integration support after Spirit Medicine Ceremonies
Three Kambo ceremonies to kick any crutch (Ceremonies will be on Friday mornings, and participants must be committed and eligible to partake without any of the listed contraindications to sit with this medicine. Learn more here)
Rapéh and Sananga plant medicine initiations to help move and clear stagnant energy
Suggested cleansing techniques and recommended detox schedule
Sign up with a friend (an “accountability buddy”) and have a second support system!
Investment in Your Power: $1899
w/ an accountability buddy: $1599/person
Entrance to the next Ecstatic Dance RVA’s substance-free Ecstatic Dance event, DJ’d by me!
***DISCLAIMER: This program does not substitute for or replace clinical, professional alcohol support for addicts. If you or someone you know has an alcohol or substance addiction, please seek clinical support below:
Not in the same place as me? Not a problem!
Program 3:
8-week Virtual Support or Detox
An individual, customized program focused on cleansing physical and mental toxins from the system, managing indulgences, and creating more mindful consumption habits in the realms of food, relationships and media.
This program will be all virtual and include weekly calls, still carefully and individually curated for your goals and intentions.
Topics vary and include an exploration of your intentions, somatic inquiry + presencing, ancient philosophy, check-ins and/or applicable practices/theories.
This program does NOT include in-person medicine ceremonies, but I can reach out to my network to find practitioners I trust in your area.
Investment in Your Power:
(8-weeks duration)
Virtual Sobriety + Sovereignty (2x/week calls): $899
Virtual Detox (1x/week calls): $599
Additional and incredibly easy benefits to receive from either program include:
Boost immune system
Improve overall health and well-being
Fortify physical and mental health
Balance energy levels
Balance / manage weight
Clear, unblock, and resolve digestive issues
Relieve stress and anxiety, and support a sense of hope within a state of depression
Retain 100% capability to take on tasks coming at you every single day
Learn to honor your body
Wake up with a more expansive outlook and positive attitude
Cultivate more confidence
Feel more safe and easeful in your own skin
Strengthen intuition
Strengthen heart sense and speak
Brighter and more clear eye color, sight, and skin
A clearer sense of self, self-worth and capabilities
A more focused understanding of passions, purpose + the ways we want to spend our time
Stronger + more firm boundaries
Create higher quality of friendships
Cultivate deeper conversations with those at holiday events
Experience more profound levels of connection
Maintain full sovereignty in your social choices
Experience proof of the Law of Attraction
More vivid and symbolic dreamwork
More natural ability to see and read energy and auric fields
Move through and close out feelings of shame, guilt, or embarrassment.
Save money
Feel good about your environmental impact
“Like with anything, I go in with an open and positive mind. I decide that it will improve something for me. Even if it's just the experience of the Sacred ceremony, the breathwork, or the connection with other souls looking to raise their vibration and spread light into the world.
I imagine the medicine making its way through any pathways that may be stuck, igniting anything that may have been sleepy, balancing anything out of wack.
Within hours I feel more clear. There's a feeling of clearing and reset. Each ceremony with Betty feels sacred, intentional, supportive, and safe.
Thank you for sharing this medicine and your energy.”
How does this work?
I’m not here to judge you, I’m here to listen and support you.
When we open a dialogue together, you are entering a completely confidential and safe space.
Through conversation, visualization, and somatic presencing techniques, we will examine the multi-dimensional aspects and layers of Your personal food, alcohol, social media or “crutch” story to get to the root of it so we can transmute it.
Both the Sobriety/Sovereignty and the Detox packages include alternative medicine ceremonies to assist in clearing all the old crutches.
You deserve clarity, happiness and the opportunity to make all your dreams come true.
Let’s Start to Rewire.
“Alcohol is unique because alcohol is a socially acceptable intoxicant.
Alcohol is a medicine that’s allowed—medicine that comes along with the culturally sanctioned permission to check out.
But what alcohol really does is allows people to disconnect from the matrix for just a moment. It’s a breather—a way for people to let down their inhibitions, and to let down their guard, and to say things they wouldn’t have the courage to say when they are sober. It’s like this momentary relief from the pressure and the tension of the system that allows people to open themselves up in ways they feel like they can’t when they are in the grips of the matrix. It also allows people to not have to take responsibility for their behavior because they can just say they were drunk, and everyone gives them a pass.
But alcohol opens us up to random spirits, who joyride on our buzzes and our highs. That’s why they call alcohol spirits because it opens up our vessels to the beings who can’t cross all the way over, which creates a whole, big bunch of discord.
I know a lot of shamans who work with plant medicines and who connect with the value of all kinds of intoxicating plants and beings— leaves, roots, fungi, herbs, amphibians, what have you. They mix specific roots with specific vines to tap into other dimensions of consciousness. They use all kinds of medicines found in nature. But they will not touch alcohol.
Alcohol is the one intoxicant that so many shamans hold a hard line on not partaking in, because alcohol blocks our synthesis, and alcohol numbs us out, which is precisely why the system normalizes alcohol and glamorizes alcohol to the extent that it does.”