Pachakuti Q’ero Prophecy “The Time of World Change”
‘Pacha’ means world, earth, space/time, realm, soil.
‘Kuti’ translates to turn, churn, movement.
This prophecy of the Q’ero Nation speaks of a period of upheaval and cosmic transformation. It signifies a reversal of the world, an overturning of the space/time continuum, foretelling of a grand cataclysmic event.
A Pacha, also a measured span of 500 years, is a traditional way that the Inca read Time. The first arrivals of the Spanish to the Americas (1476, Brazil -1492, Bahamas} coincided with one Pachakuti.
As well as historical overturn, the Pachakuti speaks of the tumultuous nature of our current world, particularly the environmental destruction transforming and returning to balance, harmony + sustainability. This will happen as we change our way of thinking, and become more conscious. The Pachakuti is representative of the death of an old way of thinking about the world in which we live and an elevation to a higher state of consciousness.
The prophecy says we are passing into a new age of transformation. It is optimistic of a new way of relating to nature and to the earth.
The Q’ero Nation knows that there is another Pachacuti coming they know this change will be for good: when order emerges out of chaos.
The prophecy speaks of tumultuous changes happening in the earth and within our psyche of redefining our relationships and spirituality. The next Pachakuti, or great change, has already begun, creating the opening of another dimensional shift, and it promises the emergence of a new human, an evolution into a golden millennium of peace after this period of turmoil.
The paradigm of Western civilization will continue to collapse; the way of the Earth people will return. More importantly, the shamanic elders speak about a tear in the fabric of time itself.
The return of Pachakuti is taking place on a collective level. This tear in the fabric of time will offer us the possibility to leave all old concepts + perceptions of time + space in the past. These changes give us the potential to recreate ourselves in a completely new paradigm. The Andean elders advise us not to lose this opportunity because if we are able to give up the limiting concepts that we have around us, we finally will be able to see what we can be.
The concept has been adopted in recent times by some political movements in South America, particularly those seeking to advance indigenous peoples' rights. In this context, it signifies the beginning of a new cycle and the desire for substantive change in the political environment.
Also check out the trailer of for seven minutes of Indigenous Wisdom.
info via Andean Wisdom + Living In Peru