RECONNECT: feat. Dennis McKenna, Joe Dispenza

Reconnect is London Real’s fifth feature-length documentary film and documents Brian Rose’s journey to Costa Rica where he participates in multiple ceremonies with the plant medicine Ayahausca. The movie stars Graham HancockDr. Jordan PetersonDennis McKennaSadhguruDorian YatesDr. Gabor MateDr. Joe DispenzaMichael Pollan, and Dan Pena.

With an aim to spread transformational ideas to the world, London Real reaches millions of people each month with its message and yet, when Brian looked outside his studio, he saw a very different reality: a world full of division, tribalism, hatred, anger, and disconnection from our environment.


In the film, we tackle my personal story of trying to build London Real into a global media and transformation company while also struggling with my own disconnection from friends, family and my own species.

We also dive deep into the division and tribalism currently facing all of us around the world.


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