Sananga: the fire healer
Sananga Eye Drops
Sananga is made from the roots and bark of the Tabernaemontana undulata shrub in the Amazon Rainforest. This sacred plant medicine is used for balancing and clearing both physical and spiritual blockages as it brings the receiver into full presence with its strength and spice, allowing the energy channels to open immediately upon contact.
Usage and Medicinal Effects
The pure spirit of Sananga supports a deep opening of blocked energies on emotional, physical, and spiritual levels. Sananga can balance and harmonize your mental and physical energy, leading to a complete equilibrium, focus, and peace of mind. The drops will expand spiritual vision and awareness, by decalcifying the pineal gland, enhancing your intuitive ability and connection, as well as amplifying dream states.
Additionally, Sananga can increase long-range vision and night vision. The drops are also used to treat and improve a broad range of ocular problems (Lambert et al 2010), like myopia, depth and color perception, the definition/enhancement of images and textures, and detection accuracy.
Furthermore, this plant spirit medicine is indicated in cases of severe eye diseases, such as glaucoma, cataract, and blindness. As these drops can exert such powerful effects on your visualization, they are also commonly applied before or during Ayahuasca ceremonies, to increase visualization and spiritual insights.
Even though Sananga is known for its effects on vision and visualization, this medicine is considered to be an indigenous all-purpose remedy. It is applied for febrifuge, emetic, diuretic, calmative, and several other diseases. Furthermore, Sananga is often used to cure skin illnesses (dermatitis), suppress appetite (Jernigan 2009), ease dental problems (Shepard 1999), and counteract snakebite wounds and poisoning, cure eye wounds, and rheumatism (Sanz-Biset et al. 2009; Schultes 1979).
Traditionally, tribes like the Matsés use Sananga as a hunting tool to obtain a sharp perception and concentration and to enable the detection of subtle movements in the dark jungle. The eyedrops can enable strong visualizations of the prey or the plant to be hunted, allowing for a quick and successful quest. Often Sananga is combined with other hunting tools, like Kambo, which further enhance the hunting skills. For most indigenous tribes, hunting means survival and therefore requires exceptionally important and crucial ability, wherein the spirits of plants and animals are called forth for assistance.
(info via katukina.com)