Somatic Plant Medicine +
Psychedelic Integration Support
The Change we seek lies not in the experiences of ceremony, but in the integration of the revelations, visions and wisdom gifted to us.
Integration is bringing the “downloads” of understanding from the medicine into daily action in pursuit of embodying what we learned. It’s a committed application of turning our plant medicine or psychedelic experience into a tangible form of a transforming life through tools and practices which empower us as we pursue our potential.
Within our ceremonial journey, we can receive lifetimes of information to apply to our human experience.
The codes for healing are given to us through symbolic and specific visions, visitations, understandings, rememberings, presences, and stories, some of which we’ve carried with us throughout many cycles of incarnation.
They reveal themselves when we are ready for them.
When we emerge from a transformational experience, we may feel excited and energized, ready to start our new lives!
We may also feel overwhelmed and not know where to begin.
We come to see and understand aspects of ourselves and our lives; we can feel the lightness, the clarity and inherent understanding. But as we return to our days and our daily challenges, time extends into weeks, and then into months, and without practice and implementation, the inspiration we feel can begin to fade..
so·mat·ic // adjective
relating to the body, especially as distinct from the mind.
Somatic integration is about developing a relationship with your body and learning to listen to what it's communicating to you. In regards to plant medicine and psychedelic integration, we open and strengthen the art of listening to what our bodies are telling us in relation to the experience. Our bodies and cellular memory hold the keys to the freedom we seek, and when we give our bodies the space to speak, (and we can listen in a safe space) it helps us to understand what our most beneficial personal integration methods may be.
These sessions are possible on Zoom or in-person.
Need integration support?